Thursday, August 21, 2008

Worship Confessional 1 (in text? how lame.)

Last night was our final summer Practice (HS youth group). We have had a small but faithful group meeting together for a good portion of the summer. Next week we will have a kick-off party at the Rocco's house and really get the students geared up for the semester. We will (hopefully) have some of the college guys come back in to lend much needed help on some instruments and media.

Anyway, last night we rocked the three-piece band again (waiting on Doug to get back from Mexico and Jason to get a break from summer band) with our 2 girls belting out some soulful BGVs. These guys have done a fantastic job of keeping up and pushing themselves as players. I admit that I move fast through rehearsal and they hold their own.

I had put together what I thought was a very cool 'back-half of the set' that consisted of:

Stand in Awe (Jeremy Riddle)
The Stand (chorus only) (Hillsong United)
Wonderful Maker (Redman/Tomlin)
The Stand (pre-chorus, chorus)

Now, I know what you're thinking. The Stand? Twice?? The answer is...yes. And it totally rocked. The first time we used the chorus to transition between the 2 songs. The second time we really pushed and built into a big chorus to really bring the whole thing home. It really tied the set together and I think that the chorus is an awesome opportunity to throw your hands up and get lost in worship.

The top half of the set was All We Need (Charlie Hall) and Your Grace is Enough (Maher/Tomlin) both in G. Not much variety as far as key selection, but it made for a seamless transitions. Plus, they're high school kids. They don't care. Usually, we play a song to get everybody rounded up and then break for announcements/games/etc. This week, I felt like we should kinda change it up a little. Mainly, I wanted the songs to flow. Students seem to respond better and break down walls the longer we sing. We are in the process of transitioning to a song at the end of the message. We had "From the Inside Out" planned, but ran out of time. I have enjoyed throwing some United in the mix. Really fun tunes to play.

All in all, I felt like we had a good response. I feel like the relationships that I have formed with the students really help me connect with them. I am looking forward to building new relationships with the new school year. It has been awesome watching all the changes that have taken place in the 1.5 years that I have been leading that group. Most importantly, the kids have learned that worship time isn't just a time to hear the band play and mess around with your friends. Worship is becoming more and more what it is supposed to be; a time to let go the everyday junk in our lives, forget about what everyone else might think, and truly praise God because He is worthy. And I feel like they are starting to understand this.

I am really, REALLY excited about the school year starting back up. New students + old students + new issues + old problems + fear/anxiety/pressures = more chances to let God work, start over and truly surrender lives to Christ.

And I get to be a part of it.

There is nothing better than seeing God transform lives.



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